Self Service

User-Added Descriptions via Information Button

Feature Description

With User-Added Description, they can now add custom descriptions directly into the charts via an Information button. With this feature, add commentary, explanations, or brief clarifications for the end users to enhance their understanding and interpretation of the presented data.

End User Business Benefits

Empowered Analysis

Make more informed decisions by having immediate access to descriptions or formulas linked with the chart.

Contextual Gap

Provide supplementary information or context about the chart within the visualization.

Quick Insights

Offer immediate, bite-sized clarifications directly within the visualization.

Streamlined Data Interpretation

Reduces the cognitive load on users, enabling faster data comprehension.

Focused Communication

Relay only the most crucial information because of its concise nature.

  • Financial Dashboards:

    • Add details about financial assumptions, calculations, or references to financial standards.
  • Marketing Reports:

    • Briefly explain survey methodologies, data collection techniques, or segmentation criteria.
  • Operational Metrics:

    • Describe operational benchmarks, targets, or key performance determinants.
  • Academic Research:

    • Offer references, methodologies, or brief explanations of research findings.
application areas

Use Cases

Financial Analysis

Break down complex financial metrics or provide context about assumptions used in projections.

Market Research

Offer deeper insights into market trends, explain methodologies, or cite data sources.

Quality Control

Describe the thresholds of quality checks or provide a breakdown of defect categorization.

Project Management

Explain project milestones, timelines, or specific KPIs used for performance measurement.