Self Service

Pivot Table Structure Customization

Feature Description

Pivot Table Structure Customization will now allow users the enhanced flexibility to decide and customize which columns are set as row headers and column headers.

End User Business Benefits


Provide users with a highly customizable UI, offering a more tailored data viewing experience.

Interactive Analysis

With the freedom to adjust and organize data, users can dive deeper into their datasets, making the analysis process more interactive and insightful.

Efficient Data Representation

Users can now structure their pivot tables in a manner most coherent and relevant to their specific analytical needs, making data interpretation more intuitive.

  • Sales Analysis:

    • Focus on key sales metrics like revenue by region, product category, or sales representative.
  • Financial Reporting:

    • Restructure financial data to get a clearer picture of revenues, expenses, and profit centres.
  • Inventory Management:

    • Track stock levels, sales, and order details in a more structured manner.
  • HR Analytics:

    • Monitor and analyze employee performance, recruitment data, or any HR metrics in a personalized layout.
  • Market Research:

    • Organize survey data, customer feedback, or any market data to glean insights more effectively.
application areas

Use Cases

Dashboard Management

Adjust the structure to highlight specific metrics or trends they are monitoring closely.

Sales Management

Analyze revenue by segment, category, or any other desired breakdown to derive actionable insights.


Organize financial data, such as P&L statements, to emphasize cost centres, departments, or any financial segment critical for analysis.