Self Service

Grouped Stacked Bar Chart
Based on Measure

Feature Description

With the addition of grouped Stacked Bar Chart based on Measure, users can now effortlessly represent data with multiple attributes and measures in a single, cohesive visual, providing a comprehensive view in one chart.

End User Business Benefits

Complex Data Visualization

Transform intricate datasets into easily interpretable visuals, facilitating clarity and comprehension.

Swift Insights

Reducing time spent on understanding charts to foster quicker data-driven decisions.

Efficient Analysis and Reporting

Optimize dashboard space make concise reports with multiple data layers in one chart.

Enhanced Comparative Study

Analyse data in depth to compare multiple attributes and measures.

  • Manufacturing Dashboards:

    • Gain insights into production costs, efficiency metrics, and supply chain dynamics by Market.
  • Project Management Dashboards:

    • Stay updated on project progress, resource allocation, and milestone achievements by vendors.
  • HR Dashboards:

    • Analyze employee compensation, benefits distribution, and department-wise payroll structures.
  • Financial Reporting:

    • Get a clear picture of revenue streams, cost structures, and financial performance metrics segmented by different organizational units.
application areas

Use Cases

Manufacturing Analysis

Compare actual vs. forecast labour costs and dive into different cost components such as material and overhead by market & country.

Tech Management

Analyze project status to compare current progress against projected numbers. For example, monitor software stack-based loading times by development stage & month.

Human Resource

Visualize employee compensation structures by department to break down salary components like base pay, bonuses, and benefits.


Dive deep into revenue vs. projected metrics and break down financial components like EBITDA, operating income, depreciation, and more.