Self Service

Grouped Stacked Bar Chart
Based on Attribute

Feature Description

Grouped Stacked Bar Chart based on Attribute offers users a nuanced perspective where data is stacked based on attributes to provide a richer, more segmented view of data across multiple dimensions simultaneously. For instance, organize data by regions in each column, with separate bars for metrics like revenue, profit, and quantities.

End User Business Benefits

Sophisticated Data Representation

Turn diverse datasets into a cohesive visual narrative.

Efficient Data Interpretation

Quickly derive insights and make informed decisions by consolidating multiple data dimensions in a single chart.

Optimized Dashboard Space

Utilize dashboard space more efficiently without sacrificing information depth.

Enhanced Comparative Analysis

Compare multiple attributes and measures, deepening the level of data scrutiny.

  • Sales Dashboards:

    • Comprehensive view of regional and product-wise sales figures.
  • Marketing Analysis:

    • Evaluate ROI across different campaigns or regions.
  • HR Dashboards:

    • Insights into product-wise and region-wise stock metrics.
  • Financial Reporting:

    • Detailed insights into financial health by project, department or region.
  • Healthcare Management:

    • Patient inflow, treatment outcomes, and facility utilization metrics.
  • Real Estate Analysis:

    • Property sales, rentals, and occupancy rates by region or property type.
  • E-commerce Analytics:

    • Sales, returns, and customer feedback by product category or region.
  • Manufacturing Metrics:

    • Production volume, product quality, and resource utilization across factory locations.
application areas

Use Cases

Sales Analysis

Evaluate regional sales metrics to view revenue, profit, and quantities by region.


Examine campaign effectiveness through metrics like marketing costs, conversion rates, etc., each segmented by region or campaign type.

Inventory Management

Dig deeper into inventory metrics to differentiate stock levels and turnover rates by product type and region.

Financial Analysis

Interpret financial data by projects or departments to understand the nuances of revenue streams, costs, and profitability.


Assess patient metrics by region or facility to analyze patient inflow, treatment success rates, and patient feedback.

Real Estate Developer

Explore property sales and rental metrics by region or property type, such as commercial, residential, and retail spaces.


Analyze sales and returns by product category, region, or sales channel.


Evaluate production metrics across various factory locations or by product types.