Self Service

Drill Through on Measure

Feature Description

With the help of Drill Through on Measure, users can now delve deeper into specific measures directly from the dashboard by simply clicking on a measure's value. Then they are presented with a detailed breakdown of that value, eliminating the need to manually search for related records or details.

End User Business Benefits

Enhanced Data Exploration

Dive deeper into business data without navigating away from the dashboard to facilitate a smoother investigative journey for users, from top-level metrics down to granular details.

Improved Decision-Making

Make informed decisions backed by comprehensive data insights with the ability to quickly view detailed breakdowns of measures.

Efficiency and Time Saving

Directly access the required information with just one click to significantly reduce the time taken for data discovery.

Spot Patterns and Anomalies

Swiftly recognize patterns, anomalies, or outliers that could be missed when looking at a more generalized overview.

  • Sales Analytics:

    • Assess product, region, and representative performance.
  • Marketing Analytics:

    • Evaluate campaign effectiveness, track conversion sources.
  • Financial Analytics:

    • Monitor revenue streams, expenses, and financial KPIs in detail.
  • Operations:

    • Track inventory movement, production rates, and operational costs in granular detail.
  • Customer Service:

    • Understand customer interactions, feedback, and resolution rates at a detailed level.
application areas

Use Cases

Revenue Analysis

Get insights into the detailed transactions or sales contributing to revenue, giving a clearer picture of sales patterns.

Sales Management

Reveal the detailed breakdown by product, region, etc., allowing users to identify top-performing products or areas that need attention.


Analyze individual conversions with customer IDs to identify and determine successful campaigns or strategies.