
Conditional Formatting
(On Charts and Grids With Icons)

Feature Description

Experience visual clarity in charts and grids with gradients, icons, bars and color coding based on conditions, making it easier to interpret and act on critical data insights.

End User Business Benefits

Data Insights Made Clear

Gain deeper insights into your data with visual representation, making it easier to detect patterns, trends, and variations.

Spotlight Critical Information

Highlight key data points using gradients, icons, or bars based on predefined conditions, drawing attention to outliers, high or low values, and performance thresholds.

Speedy Data Analysis

Easily scan through large datasets, extract crucial information, and make data-driven decisions more effectively.

Streamlined Reporting

Create crisp and comprehensive reports that deliver essential information without overwhelming details, ensuring clear communication and data accessibility.

  • Finance and Banking

    Financial Performance Analysis

  • Manufacturing and Supply Chain

    Quality Control

  • Healthcare

    Appointments Monitoring

  • Retail and E-commerce

    Sales and Inventory

  • Management Human Resources

    Employee Performance Evaluation

  • Marketing and Advertising

    Campaign Analytics

application areas

Use Cases

Sales Success Tracking

You can monitor progress towards meeting targets by applying icon-based conditional formatting, with green icons for figures that meet or exceed targets and red icons for those falling below, empowering you to stay on track and achieve sales goals.

Detecting Financial Anomalies

You can use differently coloured bars to flag financial anomalies or discrepancies, helping identify potential errors or inconsistencies in the data and conduct further investigation for accurate financial insights.

Optimizing Inventory Management

You can optimize inventory levels using bar-based conditional formatting, representing stock quantities with different bar lengths to quickly identify overstocked or understocked products, enabling well-informed decisions on inventory replenishment and management.

Lumenore helps businesses across industries and functions with customized dashboards and AI-powered analytics.