
Conditional Formatting
(Based on Attributes)

Feature Description

Apply Traffic-lighting-based colour coding to chart attributes, grabbing user attention promptly. For instance, highlighting critical and high-priority tickets in red and orange enables swift focus on essential business needs.

End User Business Benefits

Improved Visibility

Traffic-lighting-based colour coding swiftly highlights important attributes, such as ticket priorities, ensuring better focus and efficient attention management.

Swift Decision-Making

Colour coding enables quick identification of critical attributes, empowering users to make timely and well-informed decisions for effective problem-solving.

Tailored Interactions

Customizable colour coding allows users to personalize their charts, creating an intuitive and user-friendly experience that aligns precisely with their preferences and requirements.

  • Logistics and Transportation

    Analyse delivery performance by colour coding statuses, identifying areas of delay and optimizing supply chain operations.

  • Education

    Conduct performance analysis by colour coding student data, identifying areas of improvement and evaluating educational interventions.

  • Real Estate

    Perform market analysis by colour coding property statuses, identifying high-demand areas and optimizing property management strategies.

  • E-commerce

    Analyse sales patterns by colour coding critical product categories and optimizing marketing strategies.

application areas

Use Cases

Ticket Management

You can colour code ticket priorities in charts to swiftly spot critical issues, enabling prompt resolution, efficient resource allocation, and seamless incident management.

Project Management

As a project manager, you can colour code projects based on their status (e.g., on track, delayed, completed) to easily track progress, take timely actions, and ensure project success.

Order Management

You can colour code order statuses in charts to track orders, identify potential supply chain bottlenecks, and take proactive measures to maintain smooth supply chain operations.

Performance Analysis

You can utilize colour coding to represent employee performance levels, identify talent gaps, recognize top performers, and address performance issues for a motivated and high-performing workforce.

Lumenore helps businesses across industries and functions with customized dashboards and AI-powered analytics.