Self Service

Bars in Grid Cells

Feature Description

User can now add default bars to each cell within the pivot table, allowing them to represent the magnitude of data in each cell visually. This enhancement elevates data visualization, helping users to grasp the scale and significance of each cell's content.

End User Business Benefits

Visual Magnitude Recognition

Instantly grasp the magnitude of each cell's data, simplifying its interpretation.

Efficient Data Assessment

Quickly identify and focus on significant data points to offers users a comparative view.

Consistent Data Visualization

Ensure uniformity and reduces potential confusion for a consistent representation across the table.

  • Sales and Marketing:

    • Assess sales figures, regional performance, and promotional effectiveness.
  • Product Management:

    • Instant visual feedback on product performance metrics and customer preferences.
  • Finance:

    • Provide more clarity in financial reporting with a visual breakdown of revenues, costs, and profit margins.
  • Inventory and Supply Chain Management:

    • Manage stock, identify fast-moving items and potential stockouts with visual representation.
  • Strategy and Planning:

    • Empower decision-makers to efficiently allocate resources and focus on key areas.
application areas

Use Cases

Sales Analysis

Effectively visualize sales figures across products and regions, aiding in spotting trends or anomalies.

Product Management

Quickly identify product segments’ performance based on visual magnitude.

Financial Analysis

Pinpoint areas of concern and interest with visual representation of financial metrics.

Inventory Management

Visualize stock levels across various products, aiding in timely replenishment.