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Sentiment Threshold

Feature Description

Sentiment Threshold empowers users to customize sentiment analysis results by setting their desired sentiment sensitivity level. With this new addition, users can adjust the sentiment threshold easily using a user-friendly slider, providing flexibility to tailor sentiment analysis to their specific needs. This ensure the sentiment results are in accordance with their requirements.

End User Business Benefits

Customized Sentiment Analysis

Tailor sentiment analysis to your specific goals and requirements for better insights.

Increased Precision

Switch up your sentiment sensitivity as per your need for more accurate sentiment results.

Enhanced Insights

Capture subtle signs in sentiment within text data for improved and tailored insights.

  • Social Media Monitoring

  • Customer Feedback Analysis

  • Market Research

application areas

Use Cases

Social Media Management

Adjust the sentiment threshold to focus on capturing more positive sentiments in customer comments for your launch or promotional campaigns.

Product Quality Analysis

Identify and address negative feedback more effectively in product reviews by increase the sentiment threshold.

Market Research

Fine-tune the sentiment sensitivity to extract nuanced insights from customer surveys and opinion polls.