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Manual Outlier Threshold

Feature Description

The Manual Threshold Setting feature in Outliers Analysis allows users to take control of outlier detection by defining thresholds tailored to their dataset's nuances and domain knowledge. This customization empowers users to fine-tune the sensitivity of the outlier detection algorithm, resulting in accurate identification of anomalies.

End User Business Benefits

Customized Outlier Detection

Manual threshold setting provides users the control to tailor the outlier detection process to their specific requirements and domain expertise.

Domain-Specific Insights

Define thresholds based on domain knowledge to gain deeper insights into data patterns, uncovering outliers that are contextually relevant and significant.

Improved Data Accuracy

Fine-tuning outlier detection through manual threshold setting improves data accuracy by removing or flagging data points that may skew analyses or lead to incorrect conclusions.

  • Data Cleansing

    Manual threshold setting empowers users to identify and eliminate data points that deviate significantly from the norm, ensuring clean and accurate data.

  • Anomaly Detection

    Users can leverage manual threshold setting to detect and investigate anomalies in their data, gaining valuable insights for anomaly detection use cases across different domains.

  • Quality Control

    This feature plays a pivotal role in quality control processes, allowing users to define outlier thresholds aligned with their quality standards. It aids in detecting deviations in manufacturing, operations, or service delivery.

application areas

Use Cases

Financial Data Analysis

You can utilize the manual threshold setting to identify unusual transaction amounts or anomalies in financial data, such as fraudulent activities or suspicious transactions.

Sensor Data Monitoring

You can customize the outlier threshold to proactively detect abnormal readings from sensors, enabling timely identification of equipment malfunctions or abnormal conditions.

Customer Behaviour Analysis

You can define outlier thresholds to spot unusual customer behaviours or spending patterns, helping businesses identify outliers for targeted marketing or personalized customer strategies.

Lumenore helps businesses across industries and functions with customized dashboards and AI-powered analytics.