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Hindi Text Support

Feature Description

Hindi Text Support enables users to utilize the power of text analytics for datasets containing Hindi text for linguistic analysis and insights. With Hindi Text Support, users can upload datasets that include Hindi text content and perform various text analytics operations.

End User Business Benefits

Comprehensive Analysis

Perform a complete text analysis for datasets containing Hindi content.

Enhanced Sentiment Understanding

Learn and better understand sentiments, topics, classifications, etc., in Hindi.

Improved Decision-Making

Make data-driven decisions by understanding the sentiments behind Hindi text data.

Seamless Integration

Easily integrate with existing text analytics capabilities in Lumenore for a faster analysis.

  • Hindi Text Support:

    • For sentiment analysis in Hindi.
  • Customer Support:

    • For Hindi-speaking customers.
  • Market Research:

    • Trend identification from Hindi text sources.
  • Content Creation:

    • For creating content based on trending Hindi topics.
application areas

Use Cases

Social Media Management

Analyze sentiment in Hindi language tweets, posts, comments, etc. related to your brand.

Market Research Analysis

Perform topic modeling on customer feedback provided in Hindi to identify emerging trends.

Customer Support Management

Classify Hindi text inquiries and questions into specific support categories for streamlined and quick resolution.

Content Creation

Conduct analysis on Hindi text reviews to find common phrases and preferences to produce the right content for your audience.