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Cancel Execution

Feature Description

With Cancel Execution, users have greater control over their insights by allowing them to cancel an ongoing execution at any stage. This allows them to incorporate any ad-hoc changes, if needed.

End User Business Benefits

Enhanced Control

Gain better control over your insight execution process by having the ability to cancel it any time.

Improved Efficiency

Handle any last-minute adjustments, increasing your overall efficiency.

Save Time

Reduce insight execution time that requires modifications, saving a lot of time if you perform analyses frequently.

  • Streamlined insight execution for data professionals

  • Increased responsiveness to changing analytical needs

  • Improved user experience in managing insights

application areas

Use Cases

Sales Forecast Adjustment

Adjust your sales forecast details for any last-minute changes in the insight.

Data Analysis

Modify the data source if there’s an anomaly observed in the selected dataset.