Data Management

User/Row Level Security

Feature Description

This feature allows users to implement robust access controls with the User/Row Level Security feature, enabling users to define specific rules and criteria to determine data accessibility at the row level. This ensures that sensitive information remains protected and accessible only to authorized users, enhancing data security and privacy compliance.

End User Business Benefits

Data Governance and Compliance

Row Level Security enforces strict data governance policies and aids compliance with regulatory requirements, ensuring data access is restricted to authorized users only.

Efficient Collaboration

Row Level Security facilitates secure collaboration among teams and departments by allowing controlled data sharing with specific individuals or groups, streamlining decision-making and workflows.

Insider Threat Protection

Row Level Security mitigates insider threats by limiting data access to necessary information, reducing the risk of data breaches or misuse by internal users.

Reduced Administrative Overhead

Row Level Security simplifies data access management, enabling centralized control of access rules, and reducing administrative burden for each user, improving overall data access governance.

Use Cases

Healthcare Administrator

Row Level Security in Lumenore ensures HIPAA compliance by restricting access to patient records, allowing only authorized medical staff to view sensitive data, safeguarding patient privacy.

Financial Analyst

Lumenore's Row Level Security feature enhances financial data security, enabling authorized personnel like tellers, managers, and auditors to access and analyse sensitive financial information.

HR Manager

Row Level Security helps maintain data privacy by defining user roles and permissions, allowing them to access and edit employee records while restricting individual employees from accessing sensitive personal information.

E-commerce Operations Specialist

Row Level Security safeguards customer order information, enabling customer service representatives to efficiently manage orders associated with their assigned customers, ensuring data privacy and preventing unauthorized changes.

Lumenore helps businesses across industries and functions with customized dashboards and AI-powered analytics.