Data Management

Analytical Variable

Feature Description

Lumenore now supports a wide range of SQL analytical functions that enhance users' data exploration and reporting capabilities, allowing them to perform advanced data analysis and calculations directly within the platform. This enhancement enables users to uncover valuable insights and make more informed decisions with ease.

End User Business Benefits

Track Performance Trends

Analyse KPI trends over time to gain valuable insights into performance fluctuations and assess the effectiveness of strategies.

Benchmarking Made Easy

Calculate rankings and percentiles for benchmarking, providing a clear understanding of how KPI values compare to benchmarks.

Uncover Long-Term Patterns

Determine rolling averages to obtain smoother insights, helping to identify long-term performance trends while minimizing short-term fluctuations.

Measure Growth and Success

Conduct Year-over-Year (YoY) analysis to measure growth rates and evaluate the success of initiatives, ensuring continuous improvement.

Lumenore helps businesses across industries and functions with customized dashboards and AI-powered analytics.