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Map Chart Support

Feature Description

Map Chart Support now allow users to visualize their data in a whole new way by creating stunning maps based on location attributes. Simply enable the Location attribute type for your location-based columns from the "Manage Schema" section. Once enabled, ask queries related to location dimensions like "show me sales by region," “show me sales by category”, etc.

End User Business Benefits

Enhanced Visualization

Easily visualize location-based data to gain insights into regional trends and patterns.

Effortless Decision-Making

Make data-driven decisions by quickly identifying areas that require attention or investment.

Interactive Exploration

This feature allows you to switch between different visualization options to uncover deeper insights from your location data.

  • Sales and Performance Analysis:

    • Assess regional sales performance
    • Optimize sales territories
    • Identify growth markets
  • Marketing:

    • Understand customer distribution
    • Tailor marketing campaigns
    • Localize promotions
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization:

    • Optimize distribution networks
    • Plan efficient delivery routes
    • Manage inventory across regions
  • Real Estate and Property Management:

    • Evaluate property values
    • Select optimal site locations
  • Healthcare and Epidemic Tracking:

    • Monitor disease spread
    • Allocate medical resources effectively
    • Environmental and Conservation Planning
    • Manage natural resources
    • Visualize climate change data
application areas

Use Cases

Sales Analysis

Analyze sales performance across different regions to quickly see which regions are performing best and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Marketing Analysis

Understand customer demographics for targeted marketing campaigns by visualizing customer distribution on a map to assist you in tailoring marketing efforts more effectively.

Supply Chain

Optimize supply chain management by identifying geographical bottlenecks and streamline logistics operations.